Done Criteria

A checklist list of done criteria is helpful to avoid skipping any steps in code creation, this is the list I use for my projects. Where possible automated tools should be used to help verify good practices are followed. These tools are typically language specific so I skipped adding any here.

Ready for Review

  • Committed with a good commit message to appropriate branches as determined by the teams source control practices.
  • The code works and shows that by being well covered with automated tests, some combination of unit and/or integration tests as appropriate.
  • Quality, including:
    • The code has good style and has been lint checked.
    • Simplicity, the code is easy to read and maintain, avoids complexitiy and is focused on solving a single problem.
    • All errors are handled.
  • Documented - design and implementations documented in or close to the code as needed.
  • Metrics exposed, healthcheck exposed.

Ready for Deployment

  • Reviewed and merged.
  • Tested in a staging environment.
  • Demoed and approved by product owner.


  • Dashboards for metrics created.
  • Alerts in place.
  • Runbook for alerts created
  • Documented - All relevant user and administration documentation is in place.
  • Live
